On December 9, the United Nations celebrated the International Day Against Corruption. It is an important day that shows how the phenomenon is a true obstacle to development, growth, security, and how it undermines the citizen’s confidence in government institutions. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will celebrate the day on December 18 with a conference in Rome dedicated to integrity and corruption prevention in public and listed companies. The event is organized by MAECI, MISE, MEF, and ANAC with the objective to raise awareness among institutions and operators on the existence of standards and principles for companies operating abroad.
Before the Rome event, the Embassy hosted a conference in Washington DC with the participation of the representatives of some of the largest Italian companies (Luxottica, Acciai Speciali Terni, Snam, ENI e Leonardo Finmeccanica) together with Transparency International Italia, TRACE, and the law firm Backer McKenzie. The Italian companies presented their best practices, standards, and ethical principles in front of a specialized audience and representatives of major corporations and law firms. Fraud, corruption, and transparency, in fact, in addition to limit resources, also cause incalculable image losses. The Italian companies that spoke at the event shared their best practices and anti-corruption strategies as a way to create a competitive advantage in terms of market shares and employment levels. They have chosen to invest in a transparency culture as an essential element to compete internationally and in particular in the US market.
The event is part of the initiative Italian Business Integrity Day (IBID), launched last year with events hosted by the Italian Embassies in Washington DC, Oslo, Vienna, and the Italian Mission to OECD in Paris. This year, in addition to Washington DC, the event took place in Sao Paolo, Brazil.