Press statement by the Office of the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy
The Italian G20 Presidency officially began on the first of December 2020.
The G20 schedule includes a large number of Ministerial meetings, the Leaders’ Summit in Rome, which will take place on the 30th and 31st of October 2021, as well as many “special events”. The Ministerial meetings and the “special events”, which will cover a large part of Italy’s territory, will begin in May.
Ministerial meetings are scheduled as follows:
1) Culture and Tourism in Rome, May 3rd and 4th.
2) Labour and Education in Catania, June 22nd and 23rd.
3) Foreign Affairs and Development in Matera, with an ad hoc Development session in Brindisi, June 28th to June 30th.
4) Economy and Finance in Venice, July 9th and 10th.
5) Environment, Climate and Energy in Naples, July 22nd and 23rd.
6) Innovation and Research in Trieste, August 5th and 6th.
7) Health in Rome, September 5th and 6th .
8) Agriculture in Florence, September 19th and 20th.
9) Trade in Sorrento, October 5th.
10) Joint Ministerial segment between the Ministers of Economy and Finance and the Ministers of Health in the context of the final Summit in Rome, on October 30th and 31st.
An International Ministerial Conference on Women’s Empowerment will also be held on the 26th of August. The venue will be defined shortly.
Special events
These will be high-level events aimed at addressing specific issues, and will involve many of the country’s local realities.
In particular, these “special events” will focus on the major topics of the global agenda, such as health and sustainability, women’s empowerment, innovation and research, anti-corruption.
The schedule for these events is nearly completed. Among others, Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Abruzzo, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia will all be involved. It will be a common effort, which will see cities, towns, schools, universities and other Italian centers of excellence as its major protagonists.
In addition to Chairing the G20, Italy will also be the United Kingdom’s partner, in 2021, for COP26 on climate change. The Conference’s preparatory meeting, the “PreCop”, and its related Youth event, will both be held in Milan, respectively from September 30th to October 2nd and from the 28th to the 30th of September.
Within the framework of the G20, Italy will also host another event of extraordinary relevance, in a year that will see our country, even more so than in normal times, at the heart of the key global issues: in collaboration with the European Commission, we will hold the G20 Global Health Summit in Rome, on the 21st of May, aimed at responding with a holistic approach to the major challenges linked to the health crisis.
The Vitruvian Man and a new Humanism
The G20 logo project draws its inspiration from the famous ” Vitruvian Man”, a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, symbol of the Renaissance, Humanism and of Italy throughout the world.
In its compositional synthesis, Leonardo’s work conceptually embraces the qualities that define the Renaissance man. Stable and balanced, living in harmony with the world and aware of his place within it.
Two primary geometric shapes contain the human body, presented in a double pose: the square, a sign of centering and stability, and the circle, Platonic image of perfection, symbol of motion and of the absolute. Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man stands upon the foundations of both the square and the circle. The first is an expression of stability. The second, a sign of dynamism, tending towards infinite motion.
Within the G20 logo, the blue square represents Italy, while the golden circle symbolizes the globe and the circular motion of regeneration.
The word “G20” conceptually replaces the figure of Man. As in the original artwork, which presents the human figure as a point of contact between two worlds, we envisage that Italy, on this important international event, can act as a hub to settle the new “proportions of the world”.
The characters of the logo
The three characters of the G20 logotype recall and represent the typical shapes of Italian architecture and lettering. A meaningful, clear and highly recognizable composition that condenses, in its elegance, over 2000 years of history.
The “G” evokes Imperial Rome and is inspired by the letters engraved in the base of the Trajan Column, one of the capital’s symbolic monuments.
The “2” is a tribute to the Bodoni, expression of the excellence of Italian typography throughout the world. Depicted in a neoclassical font designed in 1798 by prominent engraver Gian Battista Bodoni, it features a strong contrast between thick and thin lines, representing represent elegance and harmony.
The modernist “0”, a circle written with rigorous geometry, encapsulates the essence of rationalist thought and of the artistic avant-garde, such as the Futurism movement, which gave new life to contemporary visual culture. Finally, the “Italia – 2021” sub-heading is written in the “Sole Sans” font, developed by the Italian C-A-S-T foundry and designed by Riccardo Olocco and Luciano Perondi.
Website and Social Media
For updates and further information, visit the official Italian G20 Presidency website, which will go online in the next few hours:
The G20 Presidency will soon be active on social media: