As part of its policies to support the promotion of the Italian language worldwide, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation prepares a distribution plan, on an annual basis, for the concession of grants under Chapter 3153 of the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation for Italian language teaching activities: curricular, extracurricular or to purchase educational material for local schools. These resources are for non-profit organizations that work to spread Italian language and culture in the world, and which are set up and organized in accordance with the legal forms provided for in local legislation.
Please note that for the 2020 financial year, and in compliance with the requisites envisaged by current Italian legislation on the subject – specifically Ministerial Circular 13/2003 – only proposals that prove convincing in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in implementing initiatives to spread the Italian language and culture, as per Legislative Decree 64/2017, will be examined. Said proposals will be received from Bodies in the following areas: District of Columbia, Counties of Montgomery, Prince George, Howard and Anne Arundel in Maryland and counties of Prince William, Fairfax and Arlington in Virginia.
These requests, together with the original Statute of the Body as well three copies in Italian, a budget estimate for the 2020 financial year and the relative Program Report, must be received no later than May 31, 2019 at Consular Office of this Embassy. Due to the absolute urgency of the request, the deadline is final.
Only those requests that are conveyed promptly and that comply with the requirements of the aforementioned regulation will be taken into consideration. Please note that submission of a candidacy does not entail its acceptance.
Interested parties may request information and clarifications to the School Office of this Embassy via email (