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Prenotazione appuntamenti


Students of Universities under this Office jurisdiction MUST NOT use the PRENOT@MI system to book their appointment.

Instead, they MUST:

Contact their STUDY ABROAD/INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Office for instructions. That Office will schedule the student’s appointment with the appropriate Italian Consular Visa Office.


To make an appointment with the Visa Office of the Italian Embassy in Washington DC, click here.

Please note that due to demand volume, the Visa Office of the Embassy of Italy in Washington, DC, will avail itself of the right to CANCEL all appointments that have not been confirmed no later than three (3) calendar days prior to the date of the appointment.
Hence, you must remember to CONFIRM your appointment as early as 10 days before, but NO LATER than 3 days from the scheduled date.
In the event of a cancellation, a new appointment must be booked via the online portal and this may affect or delay your intended departure.

Information on the protection of individuals with reference to the processing of personal data for the issuance of an entry visa in Italy and in the Schengen area