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School twinning as a tool to promote the Italian language in the USA – the first of three twinnings between American and Italian high schools

I partecipanti

The Embassy of Italy in Washington DC hosted the final event of the two-year twinning project between the Italian Istituto Parentucelli-Arzelà of Sarzana, Liguria, and Annapolis High School of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, which involved more than 300 Italian and American students. (Remotely) Cristina Ponzanelli, Esq., Mayor of Sarzana, and the Casa Italiana Language School of Washington, which coordinated the initiative, participated.

“The project confirmed the value of partnerships between Italian and American schools as tools for the promotion of the Italian language in the United States and vice versa,” highlighted the Embassy’s Consular Coordinator, Counselor Michela Carboniero.

In the two years of the project, the students of Sarzana and Annapolis worked together on topical issues from personal data protection to the Bilingual Guide to the City of Washington DC created with the contribution of Serena Riglietti, the well-known illustrator of the Italian version of the Harry Potter books, interviews with well-known singers, and finally the Italian translation of the brochure of the Italian American Museum of Washington The Legacy Brought by Italians to Washington DC – Thirty Places to Discover created by the students of the liceo scientifico (scientific lyceum) of Sarzana.

The meetings between the students of the two countries were attended — in presence or remotely — by prestigious guests, such as the commanding officer of the Amerigo Vespucci, Massimiliano Siragusa, Professor Vespri, who talked about the numerology in the works of Dante, and General Stefano Cont, Capability, Armaments and Planning Director of the European Defence Agency, who explained the Italian Armed Forces’ organization and their integration into the transatlantic defense system.

The experience will be replicated in the next two years with two other Italian and two American schools to build new bridges and create further links between Italy and the United States on behalf of young people and intercultural enrichment.