Companies interested in exporting or importing goods and services to and from third-country markets (European and non-European) can visit the European Union Portal for information on trade for companies that decided to internationalize.
“My Trade Assistant” provides news and updates on:
• tariffs;
• products and services commercialization;
• Services, Investment Liberalization and Protection rules to inform of any criteria and conditions necessary to provide services in non-EU countries;
• protection of intellectual property in the EU;
• public procurement markets;
• rules of origin and procedures to be followed.
Companies that wish to take advantage of the tariff preferences guaranteed by European Union trade agreements can consult ROSA, the Access2Markets self-assessment tool: Access2Markets Presenting ROSA
The European Commission portal also offers information on trade barriers, product requirements and standards, along with information on exporting and importing to and from 120 countries, both within and outside the EU.
Access2Markets lists the rules and requirements for each product, publishes online guides that describe the entire import-export process, providing contact points for customs and other authorities in European and non-EU countries.
Companies wishing to report trade barriers regarding a specific market may contact the Single Entry Point at the following e-mail addresses: TRADE-, and (Access2Markets).
For more information, visit the Access2Markets portal or consult the DGTRADE Access2Markets brochure (in Italian)